The leading law firm for the telecoms sector

MATEAS ABOGADOS offers a wide range of expert legal services for the telecoms sector


Our legal services for the telecoms sector, as expert lawyers providing legal and regulatory advice in telecommunications, as well as on competition law applied to telecommunications, are mainly of interest to:

  • Operators of telecommunications networks
  • Providers of telecommunications services
  • Providers of over-the-top (OTT) services
  • Providers of telecommunications equipment
  • Resellers, distributors, agents etc of telecommunications services and/or equipment
  • Regulators and public administrations with competences over telecommunications
  • Any other stakeholder in the field (including investment funds).


MATEAS LAWYERS offers a wide range of expert legal services in the field of telecommunications:

  • Regulatory advise on any issue related to telecommunications including, e.g. regulatory classification, conditions and restrictions to provide services; numbering and addressing; spectrum; access & interconnection; market analysis; infrastructure sharing; universal service/access and public service obligations; rights and obligations; consumer protection; quality of service
  • Compliance
  • Expert opinions and reports
  • Interconnection and access negotiations (legal advice and handling of negotiations on behalf of the client if requested)
  • Inter-operator disputes
  • Legal actions to challenge regulatory decisions/acts
  • Regulatory lobby and public affairs
  • Regulatory strategy
  • Benchmarks and best practices.
  • Regulatory risk analysis.
  • Regulatory/competition law analysis and legal due diligence in mergers and acquisitions in the sector
  • Competition law advice

The above list of services is not exhaustive. If you would like additional information on our services or fees you can contact us by filling in the form provided below in this section.

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